Dreaming Of Beetles

A Misanthropic Anthropoid With Something to Say

64-Bit Firefox Builds Are Here

Posted by Chris Latko On October - 20 - 2009

64bitUpdate: Patch 513747 has been applied.

The real hero of this story is Josh Aas. He got the 64-bit goodness into the codebase a couple weeks ago and committed it about a week later. I haven’t done any benchmarks on this so please check out Josh’s site – Boom Swagger Boom – and more specificly the benchmarks he’s put together. This isn’t a huge jump in performance, but I wasn’t really expecting one anyway. Since this version is using Gecko 1.9.3, there should already be a performance gain and the 64-bit goodness just adds to that.

The other interesting thing I’ve stumbled into is how to incorporate GCD into Firefox. I’m ready to start on that project, but have been bogged down with real world things like work. I’ll try to slip it in over this weekend or next, but no promises. There is an easy route and a hard route for GCD, I’m going to stick to the easy for now. As for OpenCL, that will be hard, very hard. I’ll look into that once my GCD builds are complete.

To download 64-bit Minfield, go to the Downloads page.

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20 Responses to “64-Bit Firefox Builds Are Here”

  1. Jairob says:

    Firefox Minefield para #Mac a 64bits RT @clatko: Spewed a new blog post: 64-Bit Firefox Builds Are Here http://bit.ly/3jfjOJ

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter

  2. panpot says:

    64-Bit Firefox Builds Are Here | Dreaming Of Beetles http://bit.ly/3B5Wxs

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter

  3. Ochronus says:

    Wow, this is very good news!!
    I have two questions:
    1. Why are plugins disabled in this build? Is there a way to install flash/java?
    2. Would you mind sharing your .mozconf? :)

    Thank you for your work, I'm a grateful user of your builds!

  4. Chris Latko says:

    I imagine the plugins are a side effect of the 64-bitness. I have also posted my most recent .mozconfig in the downloads section.

  5. Ochronus says:

    Thank you very much for your SL mozconfig!

  6. Trung LE says:

    Is this built with clang?

  7. Chris Latko says:

    No. I've heard there is actually a degradation in performance when building with Clang. I'll do some experiment this week as I want to get GCD in there.

  8. dave says:

    can confirm that this build is extremely fast on snow leopard. i am most pleased. keep up the great work!

  9. 64-Bit Firefox Builds Are Here: http://tr.im/De63 #firefox #64bit #browser #programming

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter

  10. Matt says:

    Any way to enable plugins or flash?

  11. Chris Latko says:

    Plugins need to be 64-bit to work (there is no plugin wrapper like Safari). Flash will not work until Adobe releases the 64-bit 10.1 version. Add-ons should work. I'm using Firebug 1.5X with no problems.

  12. [...] | latko.org Descarga | Dreaming of Beetles En Applesfera | Nuevo Shiretoko optimizado para [...]

  13. [...] | latko.org Descarga | Dreaming of Beetles En Applesfera | Nuevo Shiretoko optimizado para [...]

  14. [...] | latko.org Descarga | Dreaming of Beetles En Applesfera | Nuevo Shiretoko optimizado para [...]

  15. Firefox for x64 : http://bit.ly/4jotS3

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jairob: Firefox Minefield para #Mac a 64bits RT @clatko: Spewed a new blog post: 64-Bit Firefox Builds Are Here http://bit.ly/3jfjOJ...

  17. [...] | latko.org Descarga | Dreaming of Beetles Otras entradas interesantes: This entry was posted on Sábado, [...]

  18. shrakner says:

    Thanks for these! Firefox has been unstable since I upgraded to SL, but your custom build works flawlessly.

  19. @timhoward says:

    Is there anyway to change the name from Minefield back to Firefox or Shiretoko?

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Interested in all things tech. Apple, iPhone, OSX, Xcode, LAMP, Obj-C, Cappuccino, Atlas, Sproutcore, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, GNU/Linux.

