Dreaming Of Beetles

A Misanthropic Anthropoid With Something to Say

Twitter Suspended Me!

Posted by Chris Latko On September - 19 - 2009

twitter_deadUpdate: An interesting thing I noticed about the suspension process is that Twitter literally unfollows ALL your friends. And when you are reinstated, they refollow ALL your friends. I would think there would be some kind of suspended flag somewhere to avoid taxing the server like this, but that isn’t how they roll. With having just followed 93,000 people in a single day, you can imagine how many DMs I got (19k and climbing).

For reasons unknown, Twitter has suspended my main account, @clatko. I have submitted support tickets but have the feeling those are going straight to /dev/null. I’m so lost without my account, I’ve gone and done the most faux paus thing possible, appealed to the Twitter developer list. I don’t expect a response on there until Monday as usually Twitter devs don’t work on weekends.

Come Monday, I’m going to raise the storm of storms to get my account reactivated. I have a pretty strong battle plan and may need to call on my facebook friends and friendfeed subscribers. I’m not going out without a fight.

Oh, look. My account is back. Somebody somewhere must like me.

Thank you!

image infekted.it

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9 Responses to “Twitter Suspended Me!”

  1. clatko says:

    Spewed a new blog post: Twitter Suspended Me! http://bit.ly/2wVIE6

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter

  2. Twitter Suspended Me! | Dreaming Of Beetles http://bit.ly/rWllp via @AddToAny

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter

  3. OK clatko – Twitter Suspended Me! | Dreaming Of Beetles http://bit.ly/rWllp via @AddToAny

    This comment was originally posted on Twitter

  4. Patrick says:

    Any idea why it was suspended?

  5. @Doclind says:

    that's amazing.

  6. Chris Latko says:

    My best guess is that my friend/follower ratio was getting too high, I hadn't tweeted in a couple days, and was hitting the follow limit daily. No official word from Twitter.

  7. Shaun says:

    Always good to hear about these stories..We are all learning from user experience.

  8. Sujeet says:

    That's cool man…..interesting …..

  9. [...] taint did they do that, you ask? Another good question. We’ve asked them, but all we get back is the sound of blue wings flapping in the stinky air of a fart-filled [...]

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Interested in all things tech. Apple, iPhone, OSX, Xcode, LAMP, Obj-C, Cappuccino, Atlas, Sproutcore, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, GNU/Linux.

