Dreaming Of Beetles

A Misanthropic Anthropoid With Something to Say

The Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway

Posted by Chris Latko On November - 28 - 2009

google-waveUpdate: 12/07 – I’m out of invites. Sorry, if you didn’t get one.

Somehow I stumbled into almost 40 invites. I’m going to give away 30 (have about 20 left).

For those that don’t know what this is, check out the Google Wave site for thrilling and exciting content. You can also watch the Developer Preview and shake your laptop in the air when it’s over.

Ok, the giveaway.. erm.. the Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway. The rules are:

  • There are no rules.
    Seriously. I don’t feel like making people jump through hoops, promote my site, promote my Twitter account, or any other degrading thing (but watch me contradict myself below).
  • Winners must follow me on Twitter.
    I’ll follow you back. This is necessary so we can DM account info.
  • I’ll give a couple invites away each day.
    Yeah, yeah. So I’m milking it a little, so what.
  • The Golden Rule: Leave a comment.
    You must use your real email address, this is where I’ll send the Wave invite. Your email will not be publicly displayed.

Follow me on Twitter!

Popularity: unranked [?]

66 Responses to “The Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway”

  1. Juli Monroe says:

    I would very much like an invite, if you still have some to give away. I've been following you for a while. Good stuff! Thanks!

  2. What an awesome setup! I lobe the idea of this – REALLY would like an invite to implement it!

  3. I just requested from google yesterday a google wave account. I would love to get one!!

  4. Carl Settles says:

    I run an on-line think tank for youth, educators and media professionals called Media Xperiments http://www.mediaxperiments.com. We focus on leveraging diversity to build new engagement models better suited for the fastest grwoing demographic segments.

  5. Carl Settles says:

    Oh, my email address carl.settles@mediadiversitycouncil.org.

  6. Tony says:

    Would love to get invited…

  7. C frankland says:

    I would love a Google Wave invite as i am an oldie hungry for new technlogy!Learning all the time.Oh i allready follow you :)

  8. Zach Gonzales says:

    Totally cool of you to give away invites this way, I would love to give wave a try.

  9. C frankland says:

    It's not come :( i am @rufuslover sent you a dm.You said you sent one hope it's not lost :(

  10. corina says:

    would love an invite.

  11. gaytacular says:

    I would love to try GoogleWave! I'm @gaytacular there too.

  12. i can has wave invite?

  13. Mark Sharman says:

    Would love a Google Wave invite please … I am very keen to try it out. Many thanks

  14. i’d love an invite :) thanks

  15. sergei says:

    Please, send me invite to Google wave.
    E-Mail: 666.dust@gmail.com

  16. Rodrigo Avila says:

    I have 14 invites to share. Visit http://invites.avila.net.br/wave and grab your invite.

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About Me

Interested in all things tech. Apple, iPhone, OSX, Xcode, LAMP, Obj-C, Cappuccino, Atlas, Sproutcore, JavaScript, Ruby, Python, GNU/Linux.

