Is now on the downloads page. I noticed there is now default support for mozilla geode and gestures aimed at Win7. A couple people have advised me on how to make this build even faster. Once I’m out of my sickened stupor (hope it’s not swine flu), I’ll post an update.
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Published a new blog post: Firefox 3.5 beta 4 (Shiretoko) Intel Optimized Build @
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[...] kleines Extra gibt es auch den neuen für Intel Prozessoren optimierten Firefox 3.5b4 Build von Latko ebenfalls in einer portablen Version. Diese enthält allerdings bisher nur die englischen [...]
Nice work!
I also updated my portable Version of the intel optimized Shiretoko:
I just went from using FF 3.0 to using your optimized Shiretoko on my macbook, and the difference stunning. I go to college online and the classroom system they use is heavy on Java and Shiretoko just fly’s through it.
I did however have to make of the post below to change the user agent to announce FF 3.0 so it wouldn’t bug me about possible incompatibilities all the time.
Thanks for the hard work on this build though, it works great.
[...] el mismo hilo donde el autor de dicha versión la daba a conocer también podemos encontrar una versión Portable optimizada y en el enlace a las descargas también encontraréis una versión de Chromium para Mac [...]
ugh this is killing my cpu on my 2.4 white macbook
going up to 70% watch hulu
only extentions i have are adblock, xmarks, and morning coffee with adium running
testeando Shiretoko
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this is awesome!! thank you!! the FF beta was very sluggish and this is a world of difference faster!
@MrZeroo00 je passe à FF 3.5B4 sous mac :
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I'm having the same issue as raptrex. With Firefox sitting at idle it takes between 25% and 50% of my cores on a white MacBook2,1 (2GHz C2D) running 10.6.1.