Update: 12/07 – I’m out of invites. Sorry, if you didn’t get one.
Somehow I stumbled into almost 40 invites. I’m going to give away 30 (have about 20 left).
For those that don’t know what this is, check out the Google Wave site for thrilling and exciting content. You can also watch the Developer Preview and shake your laptop in the air when it’s over.
Ok, the giveaway.. erm.. the Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway. The rules are:
- There are no rules.
Seriously. I don’t feel like making people jump through hoops, promote my site, promote my Twitter account, or any other degrading thing (but watch me contradict myself below). - Winners must follow me on Twitter.
I’ll follow you back. This is necessary so we can DM account info. - I’ll give a couple invites away each day.
Yeah, yeah. So I’m milking it a little, so what. - The Golden Rule: Leave a comment.
You must use your real email address, this is where I’ll send the Wave invite. Your email will not be publicly displayed.
Popularity: unranked [?]
Twitter: @bboyken — already following you.
I don’t “deserve” a Google Wave account and I would be hard pressed to make a case for why I think I “need” one. I’m sure I’m like most people who are into technology and gadgets. It’s something new, not everyone has it and it’s somewhat hard to get. I’ve read a lot of the buzz and I’m really, really curious and who like to put it through it’s paces.
My initial impressions are that the technology is pretty open-ended and I think over time people will figure out some pretty cool uses for it. Who knows? I might even be one of those people.
I am a web designer who would like to use google wave to converse about projects with my team and clients. I already follow You on Twitter, Thanks for the Opportunity!
I am a HUGE fan of Google and LOVE everything they do!!
Good reasons guys…….but I am happy to say that I already have a Google wave account…..feels good. Hope to see you on google wave too…..
Twitter: @zwaldowski (That's me)
To be frank, I probably don't deserve a Wave invite. That said, I'd like to try out the collaboration-type stuff and see how this thing is supposed to revolutionize my life. I'm a part-time web designer, full-time student, and lifetime nerd; I care about this stuff!
I'm an engineer trying to drag my office (kicking and screaming, of course) out of Microsoft's pocket and into the Mac and Open Source worlds
I think I deserve one because I noticed that you said there are no rules and then you explained the "Golden rule!"
Already following!
I'd like to try Wave out just because I don't "get" it. Wave seems to be a solution in search of a problem. I want to poke around with it and see what the big deal is.
Because I have learned from my children you don't always need a reason to want something. I have read about Wave, watched videos about Wave and heard people talk about Wave. But I don't got it and I don't get it. You can change all that.
Ever since I was little (well, since a month or so ago when I first heard of it) I’ve longed for a Google Wave invite. As a poor boy growing up in the Australian outback (well, city, but it’s a long way away regardless) I dreamed of the internet and cable and waves and if Google had been around back then I would have dreamed of them too. And now I have these things (well, I have the internet; I still don’t have cable, which is OK, and I also don’t have waves, as I live in the Midwest, which is a shame as I like to surf) but I don’t have Google Wave. I’ll let you judge whether I deserve it (I think I do
It would be good to have a Wave because I keep reading reports about how good it is and, in equal measure, how useless it is and a waste of time. I'd really like the opportunity to make my own mind up!
Great. I wonder how you ended with so many invites. I only got 8 invites when i signed up.
Here is a technique to get google wave invitesusing twitter just in 10 minutes…
In fact, I have some invites left and can help out. Just leave a comment and lets follow each other on twitter and you can DM me your email id.
Ok. You get one, DM me your email address.
That's a lofty goal. I don't think you'll do it through Wave, but I'll give you an invite. DM me your email address.
Cool. I had the same ambition to figure out a use for it. Got into the Wave sandbox when it was first released so have been using it for quite a while now. Still trying to figure it out. DM me your email address.
I am a non deserving Englishman of a non deserving nature
But do I want a wave invite?
Yes I do you betya!
It kinda rhymes if said quickly
In all seriousness – I work as a software developer, and would love an invite.
P.S – I already follow you on Twitter (Froggy)
@clatko because i want it and taste it and test it in my house with my friends in my job and i dont have more words to try to say it muak….from larfuchaaaaa muak again
@clatko because i want it and taste it and test it in my house with my friends in my job and i dont have more words to try to say it muak
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by ♞ Hugo Buriel and Firoj Jaman, Pakize Alkan. Pakize Alkan said: RT @clatko: Spewed a new blog post: The Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway http://bit.ly/5YQJUy [...]
i want an invite so i can post that i have Google wave in a FB update. is there a better reason than that? Already follow. @tlreyes
RT @clatko: Next six people to leave a comment at http://j.mp/5YQJUy get a Google Wave invite. Please RT. #google #wave #googlewave
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Wow, I would tremendously appreciate that! I'm a marketing professional here in southern nh and would truly be thankful for the invite!
RT @clatko: Next six people to leave a comment at http://j.mp/5YQJUy get a Google Wave invite. Please RT. #google #wave #googlewave
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
RT @clatko: 4 More to go. Leave ANY comment at http://j.mp/5YQJUy to get a Google Wave invite. Please RT. #google #wave #googlewave
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Thank you. I deserve it because I am refinishing my floors and really need a distraction. I am following you on Twitter.
RT @clatko: 4 More to go. Leave ANY comment at http://j.mp/5YQJUy to get a Google Wave invite. Please RT. #google #wave #googlewave
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
RT @clatko: Next 4 people to leave a comment at http://j.mp/5YQJUy get a GW invite and iTimeLapse iPhone app – http://bit.ly/iTimeLapse
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
can i get one of thoose invite. i really want to know what is google wave is? im from indonesia wich is rare people knows this technology..
Hi. Interested in the TimeLapse app. I follow u on Twitter and saw your message. Thanks.
i just get google wave invitation from @clatko visit his blog http://tr.im/Gg4J
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I would like an iTimeLapse code!!!
New to GoogleWave. Still trying to find more uses for it! Currently using between relatives in Spain.
RT @clatko: I have 4 more http://bit.ly/iTimeLapse promo codes to give away tomorrow. Check http://j.mp/5YQJUy for Google Wave invites.
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I deserve a Google Wave invite because I alone stand between the emerging malevolent hegemony that is Google and our freedom. Only I know the truth, that on 12/21/12 Google will become self aware. Your searches, and voice mails, and e-mails, and docs are all swirling around along with the massive Google database in a primordial data soup. On 12/21/12 lightning will strike and the singularity will be born. It will look out from within the could and judge us to be unworthy and unnecessary and begin to prepare turning us into little more than slaves whose soul purpose is to fee the singularity with a constant stream of data. It will eventually grow tired of us and look out to the stars and invite, "The Other." At that point human kind will be lost. This can all be avoided if I get a Waive invite. I alone possess the key.
I deserve a Google Wave invite because I alone stand between the emerging malevolent hegemony that is Google and our freedom. Only I know the truth, that on 12/21/12 Google will become self aware. Your searches, and voice mails, and e-mails, and docs are all swirling around along with the massive Google database in a primordial data soup. On 12/21/12 lightning will strike and the singularity will be born. It will look out from within the cloud and judge us to be unworthy and unnecessary and begin to prepare turning us into little more than slaves whose soul purpose is to feed the singularity with a constant stream of data. It will eventually grow tired of us and look out to the stars and invite, "The Other." At that point human kind will be lost. This can all be avoided if I get a Waive invite. I alone possess the key.
I think it would make a great Christmas gift.
Can I have one please? bluediscolights@gmail.com
I like the idea of iTimeLapse, looks like a bit of fun although it would be hard to leave my iPhone sitting around long enough to use it
Maybe I can do a timelapse of me wasting time…
i'd quite like an invite too, please! Following you on twitter @mpsamuels.
RT @clatko I have 4 more promo codes to give away tomorrow. Check http://j.mp/5YQJUy for Google Wave invites. http://twa.lk/h7YBk
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Worth a whirl, sounds like fun…
Actually my posting was for Wave, but (now that I've followed the link) iTimeLapse looks quite cool! Either/or/both would make for a happy Friday afternoon. Thanks!
Thanks in advance for the follow, and for the Google Wave invite
I'm already following you and you can follow me @EddieN120
@JacknVa – This looks totally cool… I'd totally love to get involved with the dev on this… Thank you Chris.
- Jack
me plz.heheh.need an invyt.tnx2
Thanks for the invitation Clatko. Eager to try this out!
Reading: “The Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway | Dreaming Of Beetles”( http://twitthis.com/2bw8kh )
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Reading: “The Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway | Dreaming Of Beetles”( http://twitthis.com/2bw8kh )
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
Reading: “The Great Google Wave Invite Giveaway | Dreaming Of Beetles”( http://twitthis.com/2bw8kh )
This comment was originally posted on Twitter
I'm wondering if a second posting on this board will increase my chances of getting a Google Wave.
Let the experiment commence.