Update: Shiretoko 3.1b4pre is now available, some new numbers and a slightly updated FAQ.
BeatnikPad has been offering G4/G5/Intel optimized builds of Firefox 3.0.x and earlier for a number of years now and I’ve grown somewhat reliant on them. This has been a great service to the Mac community and I really appreciate all of Neil’s efforts. He is not only timely with the builds, but is very good with user support as you can see in his comments.
I’ve been using WebKit, Minefield, and increasingly Opera as my main browsers for a while now (and Bon Echo (Firefox 2)) and have recently been running Shiretoko (Firefox 3.1) to take advantage of TraceMonkey. But I’ve been longing for an Intel optimized build and haven’t found one, so I’ve made one.
Shiretoko 3.1b3pre had a SunSpider JavaScript Benchmark of 1333 and Shiretoko 3.1b4pre clocks in at 1449. The regex engine is vastly improved, while 3d/access/math took a hit. I think I can optimize further with the browser config, but don’t have time at the moment.
I’ve also made a few adjustments to the default config, namely turning on TraceMonkey and other minor tweaks to eek some additional speed out.
Mini FAQ
What’s the deal with all these weird names?
Non-official builds cannot use Firefox branding. I guess I could call it something else, but everyone in the dev community knows this particular version as Shiretoko.
Is Shiretoko Japanese for something?
Yes. Since dev builds are named after parks and this one is named after the Shiretoko National Park in northern Japan. (thanks Mike).
Is this going to break my existing Firefox?
No. You just cannot run them simultaneously.
Will my add-ons work?
Maybe. Firebug works and that’s all that matters to me.
Will you be doing nightly builds?
Yes. Since there is the demand for it, I will start nightlies once my current data crunching project is finished (I cannot interrupt this project every night). I expect to have this done by the end of March.
Will you build for different architectures?
No. Intel is where it’s at.
Popularity: unranked [?]
Thanks for the optimized build. Any chance of dropping the Dreaming Of Beetles off the title in browser? I do a lot of SEO and this is easy to forget about when your working and can be distracting.
DOH! I should have changed tabs. You did remove that. Sorry..
One of the mods I made was to change the default home page to this site (if you do not have one set). You can go into preferences and under the main tab, change the default home page.
If this is an issue for others, I can easily change it.
[...] Intel Optimized build of Shiretoko 3.1b3pre, [...]
Actually, that’s a GREAT idea having the home page of where the build came from. Thanks for doing that…
And thanks for making this build!
Thanks, a generally speedy improvement on Firefox 3.1b3. But the following site shows very poor scrolling performance, but NOT with Firefox or WebKit:
Wonder what makes this site so lethargic. (2008 Mac Pro, OSX 10.5.6, ATI 3870 video card.)
How often will you update this? Would like at least once a week update from you or at least provide the instructions on how we can optimize our own builds.
Thanks for posting this.
I noticed the scrolling issue as well on that page. I think it is due to those ads on the right. If I scroll beyond them, everything is smooth. Not sure why it is specific to this build though.
I’m not building nightlies at the moment, only the officially tagged releases in the Mozilla repository. I will keep on top of that and build new releases as Mozilla comes out with them. If there is enough demand for the nightlies, I’ll whip together a script. I’ll take your comment as a vote for nightlies.
FYI – Another jerky-scrolling page in Shiretoko:
seconded nightlies script.
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
Livin’ on the edge with optimized, beta Firefox builds…
Filed under: Internet Tools, Open Source, Beta Beat
Do you feel the need… the need for speed? With more and more of our computing lives taking place via our web browsers, eking out even a slight performance improvement for Firefox or Safari (or a si…
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
Thank you for this nice build!
I mirrored the file: http://blog.jbbr.net/files/mirrors/latko.org/shiretoko-3.1b3pre.dmg
You can use it to reduce the traffic on the latko server
Great stuff, thank you! It’s incredibly fast.
Is there any way to change the language of Shiretoko? I’d be so happy if I could get the UI in Norwegian.
I appreciate the mirror. I’ll update this post to reflect the additional download location.
I’ll see what I can do for a multilingual build. I’ve also had several requests for a Japanese version.
[...] who poverty to springy completely on the farther side, Chris Latko has pronounceable discover an Intel-optimized physique of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the body of the TraceMonkey Javascript [...]
Would you consider posting your mozconfig file and prefs tweaks? I’ve been running nightly builds of FF for a while, but I’m unsure of the best way to performance-tune them. The benchmark scores of my build aren’t quite as good as yours: 1800ms and change….
Another vote here to remove the “Dreaming of Beetles” from the title bar. Pretty lame… I won’t use this build because of that.
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
[...] Latko hat eine Firefox 3.1b3-Nightly für Intel-Macs optimiert. Trotz anderem Namen übernimmt der Firefox-Build die Einstellungen einer vorhandenen [...]
[...] Mac Optimized Shiretoko! Intel Optimized Firefox 3.1 – Shiretoko | Dreaming Of Beetles __________________ Become a SpartanTailgate.com [...]
You can change this in your preferences by either having a default home page or setting it to a blank page. I have just overwritten the _default_ preferences so you will only see this if you have not changed the default.
Point taken though.
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
[...] Descarga: Firefox Intel Shiretoko 3.1 – Firefox Intel Minefield 3.6 – Firefox G5 [...]
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
[...] Descarga: Firefox Intel Shiretoko 3.1 – Firefox Intel Minefield 3.6 – Firefox G5 [...]
[...] release; now, for those who want to live completely on the far side, Chris Latko has rolled out an Intel-optimized build of the beta Firefox 3.1 (Shiretoko) browser. With the architecture-specific tweaks Latko made, along with the inclusion of the TraceMonkey [...]
[...] Firefox 3.1 Intel Optimized Build [...]
All of the unofficial builds are named after famous parks. This version is indeed named after the Shiretoko National Park in Japan. The word “Shiretoko” is an Ainu (Ainu are the indigenous people of the region) word meaning “end of the earth”.
[...] Chris Latko, the same guy who brought us Intel Optimized build of Shiretoko 3.1b3pre, comes Chromium (9780) for OS [...]
[...] recently came across a link to an Intel-optimized version of Firefox 3.1 called Shiretoko. I tried it out this afternoon, hoping to be surprised, since Firefox has been [...]
I vote for nightlies, and instructions on how to roll our own. I bought a mac to learn mac programming. So any help I can get would be awesome.
A problem: After running Shiretoko and using it for my ordinary browsing (nice!), which includes access to my local library, Firefox now will now not auto-insert my library-card number and password. Nor does it ask to do so. Siretoko does this just fine, seemingly having inherited the form-fill stuff from Firefox, but now Firefox won’t do it.
Any suggestions? Where is this stored, or where is any “belonging” information stored relative to these online names and passwords? (Has “Shiretoko” now been substituted for “Firefox” somewhere where I can change it back?)
[...] Programvaren kan lastes ned her. [...]
beta 3 is out now – maybe you could update your optimized build? thanks in advance!
I know beta 3 is out. I will get to it tonight, and have it posted on Friday US time (I’m still in Japan). I figured out further optimizations for building so hopefully we’ll see this next version a bit faster.
[...] working with the beta version of Firefox 3.1 (actually, now the OSX optimized version, Shiretoko – there are Windows versions out there too) which has the Tracemonkey JavaScript engine [...]
Hey, Chris, I can mirror files on http://technocrank.com too if you’d like.
[...] be waiting for the Intel optimized version at latko.org who says it should probably be up today [...]
Thanks so much for the update. The 3.1 betas are so much quicker than 3.0.x
Anxiously awaiting the 3.1b3 builds.
thanks Chris, your latest 3.1b4pre runs great on 10.5.6!
Thank you for the update!
I mirrored the new file too: http://blog.jbbr.net/files/mirrors/latko.org/shiretoko-3.1b4pre.dmg
Hey im wondering, even tho this is Firefox and everyone knows it, web sites don’t think so(eg facebook chat) and i know it is compatible with Firefox and it says “please use Firefox for facebook chat. so is there a way to have it still tell web sites its the same as firefox, or at least an ad don?
I also would love to see a .mozconfig So I can build my own, when needed.
+1 for mozconfig files and prefs. I’ve been interested in learning how to compile my own version for a while now, and it’s always nice to have a starting point.
[...] einen Intel kompatiblen Prozessor). Chris Latko hat sich netter Weise die Mühe gemacht und solche Builds für Mac OS X 10.5 gebaut und der Öffentlichkeit zur Verfügung gestellt. Da der Name “Firefox” und das [...]
I made a portable version including your build – good for simple testing without touching the existing firefox profile.
Everyone who want’s to test can download it from http://blog.jbbr.net/download/3/